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Greetings to our student anatomy community,

As an integral part of medical education, the use of medical imaging from CT’s, MRIs to ultrasound, plays a crucial role in narrowing the divide between basic and clinical anatomy.

It is often difficult to effectively visualise the many intricate anatomical structures on a stagnant 2D textbook image. It is even more difficult to differentiate one grey mass from another in radiological images.

We have the secret sauce for you – a place where you can view radiological images next to a 3D model mirroring the image to bring interpretation to life.Together with Primal Pictures, let’s explore the world of anatomy by taking a deeper dive into the domain of medical imaging, using Primal Pictures interactive content.

During this session we will look at using the following titles: Ultrasound of the Upper Limb (Imaging); Cross-Sectional Anatomy (Imaging); Anatomy Learning Outcomes for Medicine.

To check which titles you have access to, please visit anatomy.tv online. If you have any issues accessing Primal Pictures, please reach out to your lecturers or librarians for assistance.

We hope to see you all there!


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