Medical Education Solutions Specialist

Stephanie Lathe

“Every day is different.” 

Me in a word: Outgoing

I grew up in KZN, often barefoot in the bush, or soaking up the Durban sunshine. Our home was loud, with four daughters and weird and wonderful pets, and my love for performing means I have a large, bubbly, personality.

I wanted to be a singer and actress, then a vet. I moved to Cape Town to study Anatomy and completed an M.Sc at Stellenbosch University, then joined Learning Curve, where I work with 3D Anatomy software, Primal Pictures.

In my free time I like hiking, running, and yoga – and I’ve taught myself to play the ukulele. I recently started busking and people did tip me. (Was that their way of begging me to stop?)

Home entertainment? OK, this is embarrassing but I love the kind of reality shows which I fondly refer to as ‘trash TV’.  I’m a vegetarian and love veggies, but also a classic mac and cheese with a parmesan crust.

I’m a cat person – my cat is my baby. I like the feline independence, and contrary to popular belief, they can be very friendly and loving.

Australia’s top of my bucket list; I was a huge Steve Irwin fan as a child and I’d love to visit the family’s zoo. I’d also love to spend more time exploring the spectacular nature that South Africa has to offer, and learn more musical instruments.

If I was in charge, there’d be a law against chewing with your mouth open, and one act of kindness every day would be compulsory. Kindness and compassion are what the world needs now.

I’m very lucky to be part of the wonderful Learning Curve education team. We’re passionate about our work and we’re loud and energetic, always having lots of fun with our clients around the country. This is a family that I love being a part of. Every day is different, which keeps things fun and exciting. Our team is full of knowledgeable people – I’m constantly learning new things from my colleagues.

My favourite office snack? Peanuts.

Stephanie lathe